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The AFLNT Umpiring department has been working diligently over the previous months to attract, retain and prepare the TIO NTFL umpiring group for the season.The umpiring department has implemented several new recruiting and development activities, which have included:
🏉 Delivering umpire courses for middle and high school classes
🏉 Implementing radio and social media campaigns
🏉 Connecting with other sporting bodies
🏉 Project 500: intention to double the number of umpires in the NT over the next three years.
Whilst the focus has been to recruit and retain umpires for TIO NTFL season, they envisage there will be rounds where we may require the assistance of club umpires. With the new competition structure, Saturday games are the pressure points and where AFLNT may require assistance with field umpiring in the following grades:
🏉 Men’s Division 1 (paid $101 per game once registered with Officials HQ)
🏉 Men’s Division 2 (paid $91 per game once registered with Officials HQ)
🏉 Women’s Division 2 (paid $71 per game once registered with Officials HQ – please note game times are shorter)
🏉 Under 14 Boys (paid $56 per game once registered with Officials HQ) – Sundays
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